nightmare 6 johnny depp Wallpaper
Depp had no film releases in the following two years, with the exception of a brief cameo in Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991), the sixth installment in the A Nightmare of Elm Street franchise. He appeared in three films in 1993. In the romantic comedy Benny and Joon, he played an eccentric and illiterate silent film fan who befriends a mentally ill woman and her brother; it became a Johnny Depp is perhaps one of the most versatile actors of his day and age in Hollywood. He was born John Christopher Depp II in Owensboro, Kentucky, on June 9, 1963, to Betty Sue (Wells), who worked as a waitress, and John Christopher Depp, a civil engineer. Johnny Depp. AKA John Christopher Depp, Jr. Born: 9-Jun-1963 Birthplace: Owensboro, KY. Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White cantikual orientation: Straight Occupation: Actor. Natio. Johnny Depp started smoking at 12, and played guitar in a rock band called The Flame. He lost his virginity to a groupie at 13, in the band’s van. His parents divorced when Home › News › ‘Pirates of The Caribbean 6’ In The Works But Will Disney Finally Remove Johnny Depp From The Franchise? Johnny Depp, all’anagrafe John Christopher Depp II (Owensboro, 9 giugno 1963), è un attore e produttore cinematografico statunitense.. Nel corso della sua carriera ha ricevuto un Golden Globe come miglior attore in un film commedia o musicale per Sweeney Todd – Il diabolico barbiere di Fleet Street, dopo essere stato candidato 10 volte al premio e tre nomination al premio Oscar come miglior Biografía Primeros años. Hijo de John Christopher Depp (1938) un ingeniero civil, [10] y Betty Sue Palmer (1 de enero de 1935-20 de mayo de 2016) [11] —cuyo apellido de soltera era Wells—, una camarera, Johnny Depp nació el 9 de junio de 1963 en Owensboro (). [12] [13] Tiene un hermano, Daniel, que es escritor, y dos hermanas: Christie, que trabaja como su administradora personal, y Debbie. .
John Christopher Depp II, dit Johnny Depp, est un acteur, réalisateur, guitariste, scénariste et producteur de cinéma américain, né le 9 juin 1963 à Owensboro ().. Il devient célèbre dans les années 1980 avec son rôle dans la série télévisée 21 Jump Street que lui offre le célèbre producteur Stephen J. Cannell.Il se consacre ensuite principalement à l’interprétation de John Christopher Depp II (født den 9. juni 1963 i Owensboro, Kentucky, USA) er en amerikansk skuespiller, der er kendt for sine roller som lidt småskøre og excentriske figurer, som hovedpersonen i fx Sweeney Todd: Den djævelske barber fra Fleet Street, Jack Sparrow i Pirates of the Caribbean-quadrilogien og som Willy Wonka i Charlie og chokoladefabrikken. John “Johnny” Christopher Depp II (Owensboro, 9 de junho de 1963) é um premiado ator, músico, produtor de cinema e diretor norte-americano, mundialmente conhecido por interpretar o Capitão Jack Sparrow na franquia Piratas do Caribe.. Ficou conhecido também por estrelar o filme Edward Scissorhands, além de interpretar outros personagens famosos, como o bruxo das trevas Gellert Grindelwald Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare is a 1991 American slasher film and the sixth film in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. It is the sequel to A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and was originally served as the concluding chapter of the series until the release of Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, which takes place outside the series canon.This was New Line Cinema’s first film released .
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